Silicone Release Coating SF-SRC802


   SF-SRC802 is a solvent-based, low-peel strength silicone pressure-sensitive adhesive release agent with the characteristics of low migration, fast curing, and stable peeling force. SF-SRC802 silicone polymer has low viscous flow activation energy and good coating performance, and can be coated on the substrate into an extremely thin release coating.



      This product is mainly used for labels, baking paper, self-adhesive envelopes, sanitary products, etc., and can be applied to substrates such as PET\PE\PC\PP.


Tech Data









Colorless transparent liquid



Solid Content



GB/T 1725










GB/T 4472


Refractive Index



GB/T 6488


Note: Substrate: 50μmPET film (Corona treatment)   Glue coating thickness: 5±2μm


Recommended usage ratio

    The silicone release agent needs to be used in conjunction with a crosslinker, an anchoring agent, and a catalyst. Under the catalytic action of the catalyst, the crosslinker reacts with the main rubber material to solidify into a film, while the anchoring agent mainly adjusts the bonding strength between the film and the substrate. The recommended usage ratio is as follows:



Anchoring agent M7

Catalyst Pt5000





      A large amount of cross-linking agent can prevent glue overflow for thick films, but if it is excessive, it may cause excessive cross-linking, high film hardness, and reduced initial adhesion; to a certain extent, reducing the cross-linking agent can appropriately increase the peeling force, but too low may cause low colloid strength.

A large amount of anchoring agent is helpful for the adhesion of the film, but if it is excessive, there is a risk of small molecules precipitating.

A large amount of catalyst can reduce the curing temperature and increase the curing speed, but if it is excessive, it may cause the film to become harder, shorten the usable time, and increase the cost.



Glue preparation: According to the predetermined ratio, first add SF-SRC802 to the mixing barrel, then add the diluent (generally diluted to a solid content of 25-35%), stir for 20-40 minutes, and after fully mixing, add the crosslinker XL38 and stir for 3-5 minutes; then add the anchoring agent M7 and stir for 3-5 minutes; finally add the catalyst Pt5000, stir evenly (generally about 30 minutes) and then apply. The diluent can be adjusted according to the specific situation.

 Laboratory coating process: Bake for 1-2 minutes at 150℃.

 Production coating process: The oven temperature is set to 120-160℃, and the baking time and temperature are adjusted according to the coating amount. When the coating film thickness is 10um, the baking time of the glue should be controlled at 60-90s. If the amount of catalyst added is large, the baking time and temperature will be reduced accordingly, but it may have a slight impact on the hardness and cost of the film. Please adjust according to the specific equipment and process.

Typical coating and curing conditions: When the coating film thickness is 20um, the production line speed can be controlled at 10-16m/min, the oven temperature is set from 100℃ to 160℃ and then to 100℃, and the oven length is 24 meters.


Usage and precautions

    There are volatile solvents in the rubber compound. When using it, be sure to ensure that the environment is well ventilated and away from fire and high temperature; Wear protective equipment during use to avoid contact with the skin. Once contact with the skin, it should be rinsed with soap and running water in time; Coating must be carried out in a suitable environment. It is recommended that the operation room be dust-free, the temperature be controlled at 25-35℃, and the humidity be controlled at 15-60%. Too much dust will cause particle stains on the finished coating and increase the defective rate. Too low temperature will cause poor leveling and reduced adhesion. Too high humidity can easily cause shrinkage holes in the coating film, and too low humidity can easily cause static electricity safety hazards and cause whitening on the surface.