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SF-337 Silicone resin

SF-337 Silicone resin


Product description

Product Description
Chemical Name: Silicone resin
Description: This product is a methyl solid silicone resin with high silica content.

Technical Data
Appearance: Colorless to light yellow transparent solid
Volatile matter(%): ≤3
Softening point, ℃: 55-60
Solubility in toluene (1:1): Clear and transparent
Main Use
It has good heat resistance, produces less smoke during high temperature decomposition, has high reactivity, strong adhesive properties, high hardness and good scratch resistance.
1. Applied to insulating bonding of laminates;
2. Used in resistance insulating coatings to provide better temperature resistance and at the same time give it stability (no smoking, no cracking) and scratch resistance;